
World Boxing Tournament
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World Boxing Tournament, Rating: 85.9% with 25112 votes , Played:67380 times, Add to 2012/1/20 8:32:16
Description:Welcome to the brand new free fighting game called World Boxing Tournament.In this fun game you have the opportunity to fight against your opponent and to win the World Boxing Tournament.Fight against your opponent and try to beat him down.
Control:Player 1 use the A, S, D and W keys to walk, the B key for attack 1, the N key for attack 2, the M key for attack 3, space bar for defense. Player 2 use the Arrow keys to walk, the number 1 key for attack 1, the number 2 key for attack 2, the number 3 key for attack 3 and the number 0 key for defense.
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