
Tetris Game
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Tetris Game, Rating: 85.2% with 37730 votes , Played:76292 times, Add to 2010/4/11 15:51:58
Description:The Tetris Game is the most famous electronic game of all times and has a big impact on the video game industry. The game was invented by Alexey P and is typically listed as one of the top 5 video games of all time in Internet every year for it of influence and gameplay. The tetris game remains the most widely played electronic game in history, with no signs of slowing down. The game has seven different shapes or tetriminos the J T S I L Z and Otetriminos, which look like the letters they are named after. The key essentials to most Tetris variants are your score and your level.
Control:Use arrow keys to play the game.
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