
Summer Sunglass Girl
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Summer Sunglass Girl, Rating: 81.4% with 11936 votes , Played:22442 times, Add to 2013/8/14 6:28:44
Description:Summer Sunglass Girl - Summer is a great time of the year to spend the days on the beach, get tanned and relax. but summer is also one of the most fashionable seasons of the year, but im sure you girls already know that one of the most have accessory items for the hot summer days are the sunglasses and the is ummer sunglass girl game is the perfect chance for you to put your creativity to work and create the coolest pair of sunglasses, the ones you will be using all summer to accessorize your colorful summer outfits up with. start by picking your favorite frame style and its color, then see which lens color would best suit your style and finish off by picking your favorite top to wear today. accessorize your summery look with a sparkling chain as well, for a complete new look. have a great time, girls.
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