
Mythic Fort Defense
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Mythic Fort Defense, Rating: 85.9% with 24549 votes , Played:51615 times, Add to 2013/2/26 23:06:01
Description:Mythic Fort Defense - In the mythic forest stands an ancient castle, no one knows who is living in, and how many years it has been standing there.Yet in the forest there lives many zombies, bats and other horrible animals.During the Christmas of 2012 those dark monsters want to attack the mystic castle, but the castle suddenly strengthens its defense.However, the monsters are devastating, can you help the castle to defend those horrible monsters Start now.
Control:Mouse key to aim and shoot, mouse click to pick up items or go into the upgrade process. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 to use skills, P / Space to pause.
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