
Keep Kissing
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Keep Kissing, Rating: 84.8% with 33086 votes , Played:63092 times, Add to 2010/4/3 16:21:09
Description:It is winter time. What a nice time of the year for some kissing and flirting in the snow. The couple in this game is very much in love, but the others may not know anything about this. So they try to kiss when nobody is watching. In the first level they go skiing and kissing. If someone else sees them kissing, you have to start again. In the second level the lovers are making a snowman and try to kiss each other. In the third level they are skating and kissing, and in the last level they are sitting and kissing in an icecream bar. Although it is  very cold in there, this couple doesn't feel any cold because they're in love. Have fun in the snow with this flirting and kissing game.
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