
Dragon Fist 2 - Battle for the Blade
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Dragon Fist 2 - Battle for the Blade, Rating: 84.8% with 33141 votes , Played:64019 times, Add to 2010/1/2 16:36:14
Description:Dragon fist series game of the second blood quack. This is a fighting action game, game picture is concise, fighting scenes is fluent, and support a double play the game, people use forms are authentic Chinese kung fu oh, players quick action, about your friends to play, and see who is expert at Chinese kung fu.
Control:Left Player - WASD - Move. T - Punch. Y - Kick. U - Toggle weapon. Right Player - Arrow Keys - Move. Num 4 - Punch. Num 5 - Kick. Num 6 - Toggle weapon.
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