
Corpses Of The III Reich
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Corpses Of The III Reich, Rating: 85.5% with 28745 votes , Played:57152 times, Add to 2010/9/1 23:49:32
Description:Amazing horror platform game. Read the instructions before playing. Everything that moves other than vanity is a potencial enemy and if so, they are just an obstacle in your templar quest of destroying evil. Although the evil army is growing in strength, there will still be time to get familiar with all your skills. 
Control:Arrow keys left/right - To move. Arrow keys left/right + Shift key - To run left/right. Arrow keys left/right + Space bar - Salto jump. Space bar + Arrow key Up - To grab. Arrow key Down - To duck. Arrow keys left/right + down - To duck walk. Control key - To shoot,sawing,throw flames. Numbers 1 to 8 - To select weapon. P - Pause game.
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