
CDL Game Fighting Jam
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CDL Game Fighting Jam, Rating: 86.1% with 27578 votes , Played:76749 times, Add to 2011/2/21 0:30:58
Description:Select your fighter and fight against random computer players or watch CPU vs CPU battles. . 
Control:1 Player Mode: W,A,S,D - Move. J,u - Attack. I - SKills. L Specialties. K - Jump. 2 Player Mode: Player 1: W,A,S,D - Move. J,u - Attack. I - SKills. L Specialties. K - Jump. Player 2: Arrow Keys - Move. Numpad1, 4 - Attack. Numpad 5 - Skills. Numpad 3 - Specialties. Numpad 2 - Jump.
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