
Alice Nail Salon Fun
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Alice Nail Salon Fun, Rating: 85.9% with 25108 votes , Played:67660 times, Add to 2011/9/7 23:34:46
Description:Alice is mother is a professional manicurist, and after many years of working in great salons, she has finally opened a salon of her own. Alice is very passionate about the manicure art too, so she loves to spend time helping her mother. But sometimes they have lots of clients, and the two girls just can not handle all the work on their own. A few days ago, they decided to hire another person to help them. I was thinking about you to take the job, but first you have to learn all the processes, in order to get a full contract. But do not worry, Alice is going to teach you everything she knows. From washing the hands, to cut the nail, polish them, pain them in different styles and applying all kinds of treatments for the nails. Take a look over this, and give it a try. Have fun. 
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